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Understanding the what, why and when of hay fever is key, so here's the low-down
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Gold Coast Glamour Is No Antidote To Hay Fever - But The Kleenex Pollen Count Pal Helps.
They call it `The Coast With The Most’ but despite its glorious beaches, waterways, sleek skyscrapers and luxurious hotels, the Gold Coast region with its lush hinterland is hay fever central. iIt’s those lavish rainforests, which frame the Gold Coast and the dense vegetation that gives rise to airborne allergies.
Your Hay Fever Profile Is Written In The Wind
Pollen, which is the major cause of hay fever is not only caused by flowering plants but also by grasses, which are picked up by the wind and may spread to people even in the centre of the city. According to experts, it’s these wind pollinated grasses and trees that may be playing havoc wth your wellbeing the you are many kilometres away.
Some of the most worst plants for allergies are grown around the Gold Coast and they include the Mango Tree, Plane Trees, Sub-Tropical Grasses, which are just as allergy prone as Rye Grass - the traditional culprit for hay fever, Bottle Brush - whose pollen is easily spread in the wind, Australian Pine as pine pollen an irritant just like grass pollen and Jasmine.
Prepare For A Pollen Bomb
Hay Fever affects over 15 % of Queenslanders and unfortunately, because of the recent heavy rains, the hay fever season, which kicks off in October and peaks from December to April, is going to be worse than usual.
According to Professor Janet Davies of Queensland University of Technology's School of Health, grass pollen levels in nearby Brisbane are currently 3.8 time up on the previous five year average.
“It looks to be in the order of three to five times the total grass pollen seasonal load than we've seen in any previous years recorded anywhere in Australia ever before," she said.
“In some ways, it's explainable by the fact that we know that it's a La Niña year, but our recent research suggests that rainfall is not the only driver for the levels of pollen in the air. The temperature and particularly mean maximum monthly temperature is really important as well," Professor Davies said.
You Don’t Need To Develop An Allergy To Gold Coast Theme Parks.
The best choice is water based theme parks including Wet & Wild and Whitewater as well as Movie World, which is quite built up. They’re not just for the kids as they also give permission for adults to experience the exhilaration of releasing their inner child.
Surfers Paradise Beaches Are No Paradise For Pollen
Let’s face, it, there’s not a lot of grass or shrubs surrounding the famous stretch of sand lined by skyscrapers, which make beachside activities ideal for spring. According to the Australian Association Of Clinical Immunology & Allergy (ASCIA), during the pollen season it’s best to holiday at the seaside. For sheer entertainment, take in the famous Coolangatta Gold- it’s one of the most challenging endurance races in surf sports, which will be held over the weekend of October 15 to 16.
There’s always so much going on in the Gold Coast but the best advice for avoiding that pollen bomb is to also choose indoor events or spend timed cruising around the famous canals.
How Do You Know Whether Your Symptoms Are Due To Hay Fever?
Hay fever is caused by the nose and/or the eyes coming into contact with allergens in the environment such as pollens, dust mites, moulds and animal hair.”
Symptoms may include a runny/itchy or congested nose, sneezing and itchy/watery eyes, hives or a rash and in some cases, onset of asthma,” according to he Australian Society of Clinical Immunology & Allergy (ASCIA). Unlike colds these symptoms do not clear up if left untreated and may play havoc with your lifestyle There’s also a few more key differences between symptoms: Colds may take one to three days to start after coming into contact with the virus and normally last for up to a week. Hay fever begins immediately after pollen exposure and continues until you’re no longer exposed to the allergens.
With The Kleenex Pollen Count Pal, Forewarned Is Forearmed.
This valuable asset will alert you to any incoming pollen bombs in your area, so you may try and avoid exposure and that unwelcome bout of hay fever. It will also guide you through activities, which are safe for you when the pollen count is high. What this means, is that you never need walk out of your home without knowing exactly what awaits you in the morning air.
The Pollen Count Pal works in a straightforward way. Simply enter your post code to receive the pollen count levels and weather forecasts in your local area.
You will also received detailed information about the types of pollen you may expect each day and for the next five days. And by clicking on the pollen type you will discover the breakdown of allergens to give you information on which pollen will play the most havoc with you This may include grass, tree and weed pollen levels to help you plan ahead for the next few days.
Building a Kleenex Hay Fever Profile
Your Pollen Tool includes a tracker which takes data from several sources to create a personalised pollen count just for you. This data comes from pollen traps across Queensland and beyond, taking into account the local weather on the day and the different kinds of vegetation around you.
Taking action
There’s several medications on the market for hay fever that are sold over the counter at the chemist and there’s also some simple precautions you may take including putting Vaseline around your nostrils to trap the pollen. You should also wear fashionable wrap-around sunglasses to stop pollen getting into your eyes. Showering and changing your clothes the you return home, helps to wash the pollen away.
Exercising May Be Useful
Some experts believe that people with hay fever who exercise the most have the mildest symptoms. Exercise also helps to reduce stress levels. The optimum is 150 minutes or two and a half hours of moderate intensity aerobic exercise including cycling and fast walking every week.
Surviving Spring
It’s one of the most beautiful times of the year. as the Gold Coast blooms in vibrant colours but it’s all about taking precautions. Accessing the Kleenex Pollen Count Tool means that you may plot the best way to enjoy yourself without suffering from allergy symptoms. Hay fever is not a glamorous condition but thanks to your Kleenex Pollen Pal, no one will notice. (ends)